Gey9 Beef Kway Teow
2:53 PM
I went to Singapore last week, and before I arrived there, Dear asked me whether I love to eat beef Kway Teow or not...errmmm....Wondering whats that beef so ba bai can get my dear crazy of it.. Get myself some picture of the so called beef kway teow which is normal kway teow with some black black beef topping...errmmm...
Here u go... this is the shop... very lousy right??? hahha... I was thought of that at 1st also...hehe ^^

This is the famous Beef Kway Teow ~~ Nice!! the beef was so so soft!!!

This is coffee chicken, its recommended to eat with the beef kway teow!! Really got coffee smell oo~~ dont play play~~ hahah!!
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