Taipei (August 2010) II
5:40 PM
ok, Basically I have been travel around Taiwan for 1 round. And this is the 2nd part of Taipei trip which I have went to different kind of places like JiouFen, Yehliu GeoPark, DanShui, Taiwan storyland, Bitang Trail and many~~
And this was the 2nd time I went to this nice hotel to have dinner in Taipei. JunPing..Its just right behind the Taipei main station... try it!!
And Yehliu geopark is really an amazing place!!!! and I saw the head of the Queen there^^ nice one!!
Yehliu GeoPark

Dinner in JunPing hotel ^^

@DanShui.. if u go DanShui, U must Must try this ~~ famous 1
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