Taroko, Hualian 太魯閣 (August 2010)
11:41 AM
After Taitung Bunun Camp, I have been to a very very heavenly place called Taroko National Park in Hualian. This was the place Vicky recommended to me. She said U MUST GO TO THIS PLACE!! ITS VERY VERY NICE!! and I have also saw some friends' photos.. They also telling me the same thing that I should go to this super nature place ^^ wow~~ okok, Im going k..^^
The first sight of me towards this place was WOW!!!! its really a great great place!!!! and I kept telling my BF, why Malaysia doesnt has this kind of place... lol!!! Lets see some picture, and Im sure you will fall to this place if you're a nature lover ^^

I cannot believe this pond really exist in this world..!! so so nice!!!!